Some Health Facts

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This is a letter which I got thru internet but it really has some relevant facts about soft drinks...

Guess what's the pH for soft drink,  e.g. Coke?  pH 3.4 !
This acidity is strong enough to Dissolve Teeth and Bones! Our human body stops building  bones at the age of about 30. After that, it'll be dissolving about 8-18% of  the bones each year from the urine, depending on  the acidity of food intake (acidity does not depends on the taste of the  food, but the ratio of potassium / calcium / magnesium etc. to (phosphorus). All the dissolved calcium combination will be accumulated & composted in   the arteries, veins, skin, organs e.g.  Affecting the kidney functioning  (kidney stone).  Soft drinks do not have any nutrition value in terms of vitamins &  minerals). It has high sugar content, carbonic acid, chemical e.g. Coloring etc. Some like to take cold soft drinks after each  meal,  guess what's the impact? Our body needs an optimum temperature of 37 deg. Celsius for Digesting enzymes functioning. The temperature of cold soft drinks  is very  much below 37 deg or even close to 0 deg Celsius. This will dilute the enzymes & stress the digesting system, the food taken will not be digested.  In fact it will be fermented! The fermented food produces  gases, decays and becomes toxin, gets absorbed by the intestine, circulates in the blood stream and is carried to the whole body. Hence toxin is accumulated in other parts of the body, developing into various diseases.
Think before you drink Coke/Pepsi (or any soft drinks) again.   Have you ever thought what you drink when you drink an aerated drink?  You gulp down Carbon-Di-Oxide, whom nobody in the world would advise you to drink  CO2.
Two months back, there was a competition in the Delhi University - "Who could drink more Cokes?" The winner drank 8 bottles and died on the spot because of too much CO2 in the blood.  Thereafter, the principal from the canteen  banned all soft drinks!
Did you know that soft drinks use chemicals in them that cause immense harm to you. Someone put a broken tooth in a  bottle of  Pepsi and in 10 days - it DISSOLVED! Can you believe it? Teeth and bones  is  the only human organ that stays intact for years after death.  Imagine what the drink must be doing to your soft intestines and stomach lining.
Request to All: Forward this message to your friends to increase the awareness of the GREAT USA made soft drinks.   In India,  people hesitate to  pay more than Rs.5/- for a tender coconut  but prefers to pay Rs.18/- and drink these dreaded items.

O.K. Now when you pay Rs. 18, do you know that about Rs.10 of it goes to those cricket stars who have betrayed cricket lovers and the country as a whole? The production cost of  the drink and the bottle must be about Rs.3 or so.

Everyday we are being fooled by advertisements in the media. We never pay attention to what they claim and nobody bothers to ask. What do you mean by Smart Nutrients? Can there be a washing powder which can identify the different cloth materials and act differently in the same water (like a computer program)? What is color guard and what chemical is it?  Is there any toothpaste which is really good in removing the plaques, stains and the bad breath? The only thing it does is giving a pleasant taste in the mouth for some time. Bad breath can never be cured by a toothpaste. And to really remove the stains and plaques to some extend, you should use the age old traditional cleaning materials - yes, nothing but the burnt husk powder. But as you see, it is not fashionable to use them!